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Softball Rules

Know the rules!

Find the links on the right for all Issaquah and National Rules documents. Rules for the upcoming season are updated around the end of February. Little League International Rules are copyrighted and available for purchase on the Little League Rulebook App (iOS and Android)


Issaquah Little League Local Rules - In general, Little League rules govern play, except where specifically modified by Issaquah Little League in our local rules.

Read the general section which applies to all divisions, then read the specific modifications to Little League Rules for your division.

See resources on the side for Line up Cards and other information.


Pitching is perhaps the most crucial position in softball. The pitching motion and mechanics are so different from baseball that it is no wonder that every year there is confusion as to what constitutes a legal or illegal pitch. It becomes even more complex when you consider that Little League has a couple of rules that are different from high school and other youth softball associations.

It is important for us as a league to train our managers, coaches, umpires, and players to understand the proper steps for throwing a legal pitch because as the players get older, and the games get more meaningful (i.e. All-Stars) the umpires become more experienced as well. No one wants to see a player on their team melt down because the pitching habits they've worked on and developed are actually illegal.

See the resources on the side for the Softball Pitching Rules per the Softball Little League Rulebook -  Pitcher Rule 8.01


This rule is in effect for the entire game site which includes the common areas and beyond the outfield fence.

On game days, the only batting practice allowed (unless you are in a batting cage) is with whiffle or pickle balls. A whiffle ball or pickle ball has many holes in it to limit it's flight and momentum. Use of any balls without holes in them (even plastic ones) are not allowed. The use of pop up nets or any other device to hit hard balls, dimple balls, jug balls, etc. are not allowed.

Everyone hitting whiffle or pickle balls must be wearing a helmet. The use of hitting sticks or any other stationary hitting device is allowed but must be supervised by a coach or parent and the player must wear a helmet.

During the game, the only person allowed to hold a bat in their hands is the hitter. There is no on-deck swinging and the on-deck batter cannot hold a bat in their hands until they have become "the batter".

Softball Rules Summary





 AAA: Regular Season

AAA: Pool Play/Playoffs



# of Innings







End of Inning

Each player bats once.

3 outs or 5 runs scored

3 outs or 5 runs scored

 3 outs or 5 runs scored

3 outs or 5 runs scored (except for the final inning)

3 outs or 5 runs scored (except for the final inning)

3 outs

# of Fielders

All players (max 6 infielders); may start game with any # of rostered players present

10 players (4 true outfielders; no rover); may start with any number of rostered players present

10 players (4 true outfielders; no rover); may start game with any number of rostered players present

 10 players (4 true outfielders; no rover); may start with 8 players

9 players; may start with 8 players

9 players; may start with 8 players

9 players; may start with 8 players and record an out at the 9th batter position

Minimum Play

Every player shall play the entire game.

Equal playing time for all players; 2 defensive innings must be played at an infield position.

Equal playing time for all players; 2 defensive innings must be played at an infield position

 Equal playing time for all players; 2 innings of defense must be played at an infield position; all players must pitch in at least 1 game for a minimum of 5 batters

Equal playing time for all players. 2 innings of defense must be played at an infield position.

3 full innings of defense; all players must pitch in at least 1 game for a minimum of 5 batters

3 full innings of defense


Batter hits off a tee; no swinging strikeouts

Coach pitches to own team; limit of 5 pitches per batter; no walks or hit-by-pitch; batter hits off a tee if ball is not put into play after 5 pitches (no strikeouts).

Coach pitches to own team; limit of 7 pitches per batter; swinging strikeouts apply; no walks or hit-by-pitch Kid pitch; coach pitch after 4 balls; coach throws no more than 5 pitches unless foul ball on 5th pitch; strike count carries over from kid pitch  Kid Pitch; standard balls and strikes including walks, hit-by-pitch, and strikeouts

Kid Pitch; standard balls and strikes including walks, hit-by-pitch, and strikeouts.

Kid pitch; standard balls and strikes including walks, hit-by-pitch, strike-outs, and dropped 3rd strike 

Pitch Count




 LL pitching rules apply; max 2 innings per game

LL pitching rules apply; max 2 innings per game

LL pitching rules apply; max 3 innings per game

LL pitching rules apply.


No steals.

No steals.

No steals.

 Steals allowed with hard stop at 3rd base; no steals when the coach is pitching.

Runner advances at own risk once the ball reaches the batter

Steals allowed.

Runner advances at own risk once the ball reaches the batter

Steals allowed.

Runner advances at own risk once the ball reaches the batter

Steals allowed.

Runner advances at own risk once the ball leaves the pitchers hand


Runners stop once the ball has been returned to the infield; no bases awarded on an overthrow; runners may circle the bases on the last batter

Runners stop once the ball has been returned to the infield; one base is awarded on any overthrow.

Runners stop once the ball has been returned to the infield; one base is awarded on an overthrow.

Defense is responsible for stopping baserunners progress.  Defense is responsible for stopping baserunners progress.

Defense is responsible for stopping baserunners progress.

Defense is responsible for stopping baserunners progress.


Bunting is not allowed

Bunting is not allowed

Bunting is not allowed

 Kid Pitch: Bunting is allowed.

Coach Pitch: bunting is not allowed

Bunting is allowed.

Bunting is allowed.

Bunting is allowed. 


Scores will not be kept

5 run limit per inning

5 run limit per inning

 5 run limit per inning; 15/10/8 run mercy rules applies

5 run limit per inning, except for the last inning. 15/10/8 run mercy rule applies

5 run limit per inning, except for the last inning; 15/10/8 run mercy rule applies

No run limit per inning. 15/10/8 run mercy rule applies

Time Limit

4 innings or 1:30, whichever comes first.

5 innings or 1:45,  whichever comes first.

5 innings or 1:45. whichever comes first

 5 innings; no new inning after 1:45

6 innings; no new inning after 1:45

6 innings; no new inning after 1:45.

6 innings; No Time Limit unless following game scheduled, then no new inning after 1:45.


P.O. Box 488 
Issaquah, Washington 98027

Email: [email protected]

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