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Register for the Softball Season

(For BASEBALL registration, click here)

Register for the 2025 Season

Review each step BEFORE registering online:

1 Verify you live in or attend a school in the Issaquah Little League Boundary using Little League Finder
2 Find your Little League Age and Division
3 Review the Division Calendar
4 Special Cases: Scholarships
5 Special Cases: Managers, Coaches, Umpires, and Other Volunteers
6Special Cases: Buddy/Coach Requests and Petitions to Play Up/Down 
 7 Register for the Softball Season


Register by Dec 31, 2024 and Save $25
Registration, refund & confidentiality policies


Little League International requires all participants at every level in a local league to either reside and/or attend school within the boundary of the league. Visit Find My Little League to find the correct Little League your for player. If you have questions please contact

Issaquah Little League does not require you to provide proof of residence to register for the Little league season. If the player does not reside or attend a school within the Issaquah Little League boundaries and you register, and then we determine they are ineligible, we will not refund your registration processing fee. 

2A. Softball Age Chart

You must register for the Division listed for your player's age. Your player's age must be verifiable by a government issued birth certificate. Please do not falsify your child's birthday in order to register for a non-age appropriate level. You may indicate your desire to have your child play up during the registration process.
If you would like to request to play at a higher or lower division, you can indicate PETITION TO PLAY UP or PETITION TO PLAY DOWN during your registration.



2B. Softball Divisions

Instructional Divisions
 T-Ball Ages 4-5 T-Ball softball is the first level of our softball program. T-ball is geared toward teaching softball fundamentals such as proper throwing, fielding and batting techniques. The T-ball program will hit off a tee. Kids play in all of the defensive innings, rotating positions each inning, and will bat in all innings of a game. T-ball uses a 10" safety (soft) ball.

Teams are formed by neighborhood where possible and may vary depending on enrollment for a given neighborhood.

Ages 6-7 A softball is geared towards teaching and practicing softball fundamentals such as proper throwing, fielding and batting techniques. In A level, kids hit off a live pitch from the coach a short distance away, but if unsuccessful a tee can be used. Teams are formed by neighborhood where possible and may vary depending on enrollment for a given neighborhood and use a 10" safety (soft) ball. Expect two events (game/practice) each week.

Players may petition to play up or down, depending on previous experience.

Ages 7-8  At this level of play, there is increased focus on basic skills, teamwork, respect for coaches, and the rules of the game while still retaining a fun atmosphere. Games will utilize Rapid Softball to encourage development through repetition while maintaining a fun atmosphere. Expect 2 events (practice/game) per week.

Players may petition to play up or down, depending on previous experience. Players petitioning to play up into competitive must meet the petition criteria, including attending the skills evaluation.

Fastpitch Competitive Divisions


Age 9-10 Players pitch for the first time and stealing is introduced! Coaches still pitch to a player because walks are not allowed, although strike outs are. This is the entry into competitive baseball with increased emphasis on basic skills, playmaking decisions, teamwork along with respect for umpires and coaches. Intensity level of play appropriately increased. Safety 11" softballs are used. Balanced teams are formed as Managers DRAFT players to be on their team using results from the mandatory Skills Evaluation. Scorekeeping and game scores are all introduced. Expect two-three events each week.  


Age 10-11 The level of competition increases as players pitch with steals allowed. Emphasis on basic skills, playmaking decisions, teamwork and respect for umpires and coaches. 11" regulation softball will be used. Balanced teams are formed as Managers DRAFT players to be on their team using results from the mandatory Skills Evaluation. Scorekeeping and game scores are kept. Expect two-three events each week.  


Ages 11-12 Advanced, competitive play. Emphasis on refining of all skills learned at previous levels. Balanced teams are formed as Managers DRAFT players to be on their team using results from the mandatory Skills Evaluation. 12" regulation softball will be used. Those players not assigned to a Majors team are automatically entered into the Coast level. Scorekeeping and game scores are kept. Expect two-three events each week.  


Ages 13-14 Advanced, competitive play. Players must be ready to add more skill and strategy to their game. Defensive awareness along with knowing where to make the play and how to run the bases becomes a more critical part of the game.


2025 Season Calendar T-Ball  A AA AAA Coast Majors Juniors
 Ages  4-5 6-77-8 9-10 10-11 11-12 13-14
 Price $125$225 $225 $275 $275 $275 $325
Registration Opens Mid Nov  Mid NovMid Nov Mid Nov Mid Nov Mid Nov Mid Nov
Early Registration Discount Ends Dec 31, 2024  Dec 31, 2024Dec 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2024
Team FormationSchool / AreaSchool / AreaSchool / AreaDraftDraftDraftDraft
# of Teams Expected 4 4 4 3 5 3 1
Approx Roster Size 8-108-10 10-12 11-1312-1412-14 12
Managers Named Early March Early March Early March Late Jan Late Jan Late Jan Late Jan
Skills Evaluation N/A N/AOnly players petitioning to play up to AAA Feb 2, 2025
Feb 2, 2025Feb 2, 2025
Draft DateN/AN/AN/AMid FebMid FebMid Feb None
Teams Announced Early April   Early April Early April  Mid/End Feb Mid/End Feb Mid/End Feb Mid/End Feb
Practice Start April - Post ISD Spring Break  April - Post ISD Spring BreakApril - Post ISD Spring Break Early March Early March Early March Early March
Events per Week 2  2 2 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3
Game Days 1 weekday and Sat  1 weekday and Sat 1 weekday and Sat 1-2 weekday and Sat 1-2 weekday including Fri or Sat 1-2 weekday including Fri or Sat Varies
Practice Days Varies  Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies
Tournament FormatN/A N/AN/APool Play then Single ElimPool Play then Single Pool Play then Single TBD
Tournament StartN/A N/AN/AMid-MayMid-MayMid-MayTBD
ChampionshipN/A N/AN/AMay 31May 31May 30TBD
All-Stars Announced N/A  N/A N/A Week of June 1 Week of June 1 Week of June 1 Week of June 1


Registration Fee and Equipment Scholarships


  • If you are going to Volunteer to Manager, Coach, or be a parent volunteer for your players team, please sign up child first and either submit your interest during that process or later by clicking the “Volunteers” section of your account, click “Find Volunteer Roles”, select the role(s) you are interested in, and follow the remaining on-screen instructions to complete your registration form (Remember in softball/baseball the MANAGER is the "Head Coach" while the COACH is the "Assistant Coach").
  • Note that the mandatory Little League background checks are handled electronically as part of the volunteer registration process. Contact our League Secretary ( for more info.
  • For additional information please review the Volunteering page.
  • If you plan to be a volunteer Adult Umpire or a paid Junior Umpire you will need to register for that role via your account.
  • Adult Umpires: login to your account, click the “Volunteers” section of your account, click “Find Volunteer Roles”, select the role you are interested in, and follow the remaining on-screen instructions to complete your registration form.
  • Junior Umpires: login to your account, click "Register Now", select the Junior Umpires program, and follow the remaining on-screen instructions to complete your registration form.
  • Note that the mandatory Little League background checks are handled electronically as part of the volunteer registration process. Contact our League Secretary ( for more info.
  • Read about the program and training requirements on our Umpire page or contact our Chief Umpire ( for more info.
  • If you are going to Volunteer in any capacity from Scorekeeper, Snack Parent, Booster Club, Board of Directors,’ll need to register for that separately.
  • To register for a volunteer role, login to your account, click the “Volunteers” section of your account, click “Find Volunteer Roles”, select the role you are interested in, and follow the remaining on-screen instructions to complete your registration form.
  • Note that the mandatory Little League background checks are handled electronically as part of the volunteer registration process. Contact our League Secretary ( for more info.
  • For additional information please review the Volunteering page.

6. Teammate/Coach Requests and Petitions

  • Teammate and Coach requests are used for Instructional Divisions (Tee, A, AA) only while Competitive Divisions (AAA, Coast, Majors) are drafted.
  • We will prioritize coach and teammate requests for those who register before Feb 2 at the instructional level (Tee, A, AA). For those that register later there are no guarantees on teammate/coach requests at any instructional level.


    Register for the 2025 Softball Season.

    If you have questions or problems, please read our FAQ or contact us.

    Note: Issaquah Little League never stores your credit card information and all transactions via our Sports Connect software are encrypted. Credit and debit cards payments are immediately deposited into our Little League account. Your payment is safe and secure!


    P.O. Box 488 
    Issaquah, Washington 98027


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