| T-Ball | A | AA | AAA: Regular Season | AAA: Pool Play/Playoffs | Coast | Majors |
# of Innings | 4 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
End of Inning | Each player bats once. | 3 outs or 5 runs scored* | Timed 10 minute half innings | 3 outs or 5 runs scored | 3 outs or 5 runs scored (except for the final inning) | 3 outs or 5 runs scored (except for the final inning) | 3 outs |
# of Fielders | All players (max 6 infielders); may start game with any # of rostered players present | 10 players (4 true outfielders; no rover); may start with 8 players | 10 players (4 true outfielders; no rover); may start with 8 players | 10 players (4 true outfielders; no rover); may start with 8 players | 9 players; may start with 8 players | 9 players; may start with 8 players | 9 players; may start with 8 players |
Minimum Play | Every player shall play the entire game. | Equal playing time for all players. Two (2) defensive innings must be played at an infield position. | Equal playing time for all players; 2 innings of defensive must be played at an infield position | Equal playing time for all players; 2 innings of defense must be played at an infield position; all players must pitch in at least 1 game for a minimum of 3 batters | Equal playing time for all players. 2 innings of defense must be played at an infield position. | 3 full innings of defense; all players must pitch in at least 1 game for a minimum of 3 batters | 3 full innings of defense; all players must pitch in at least 1 game for a minimum of 3 batters |
Pitching | Batter hits off a tee; no swinging strikeouts | Coach pitches to own team; limit of 5 pitches per batter; no walks or hit-by-pitch; batter hits off a tee if ball is not put into play after 5 pitches (no strikeouts). | Defensive coach feeds the machine; limit of 5 pitches per batter; strikeouts apply; no walks or hit-by-pitch. | Kid pitch; coach pitch after 4 balls; coach throws no more than 5 pitches unless foul ball on 5th pitch; strike count carries over from kid pitch | Kid Pitch; standard balls and strikes including walks, hit-by-pitch, and strikeouts | Kid pitch; standard balls and strikes including walks, hit-by-pitch, and strikeouts. | Kid pitch; standard balls and strikes including walks, hit-by-pitch, strike-outs, and dropped 3rd strike |
Pitch Count | NA | NA | NA | LL pitching rules apply | LL pitching rules apply. | LL pitching rules apply. | LL pitching rules apply. |
Baserunning | No steals. Runners stop once the ball has been returned to the infield. Runners may circle the bases on last batter. | No steals. Runners stop once the ball has been returned to the infield. | No steals. Runners stop once the ball has been returned to the infield. | Steals allowed with hard stop at 3rd base; no steals when the coach is pitching | Steals allowed. Defense is responsible for stopping baserunners progress. | Steals allowed. Defense is responsible for stopping baserunners progress. | Steals allowed. Defense is responsible for stopping baserunners progress. |
Advanced Baserunning | No bases may be taken on an overthrow. | Runners stop once the ball has been returned to the infield; one base is awarded on any overthrow. | Runners stop once the ball has been returned to the infield; one base is awarded on an overthrow. | No lead-offs. Runner advances at own risk once the ball reaches the batter. | No lead-offs. Runner advances at own risk once the ball reaches the batter. | No lead-offs. Runner advances at own risk once the ball reaches the batter. | No lead-offs. Runner advances at own risk once the ball reaches the batter. |
Batting/Bunting | Bunting is not allowed | Bunting is not allowed | Bunting is not allowed | Kid Pitch: Bunting is allowed. NO Slash bunting
Coach Pitch: bunting it not allowed | Bunting is allowed. NO Slash Bunting | Bunting is allowed. NO Slash Bunting | Bunting is allowed. No Slash Bunting |
Scoring | Scores will not be kept | 5 run limit per inning except for last inning | No run limit per inning | 5 run limit per inning; 15/10/8 run mercy rules applies | 5 run limit per inning, except for the last inning. 15/10/8 run mercy rule applies | 5 run limit per inning, except for the last inning; 15/10/8 run mercy rule applies | No run limit per inning. 15/10/8 run mercy rule applies |
Time Limit | 4 innings or 90 minutes, whichever comes first. | 5 innings or 90 minutes, whichever comes first. | 3 innings; 10 minutes per half inning or 1:30, whichever comes first. | 5 innings; no new inning after 1:45; Hard stop at 2hrs (2:00). | 6 innings; no time limit unless following game scheduled; then no new inning after 1:45. | 6 innings; No Time Limit unless following game scheduled: No new inning after 1:45. | 6 innings; No Time Limit unless following game scheduled: No new inning after 1:45. |